Category: health tips

  • Chocolate, the natural mood booster!

    Chocolate, the natural mood booster!

    Have you ever noticed how chocolate acts as a natural mood-booster? You might have felt low or on edge and devoured chocolate for an instant “pick-me-up”. So, it might be no surprise to you that good quality chocolate has been highly-regarded for its medicinal qualities for centuries with its first use dating back to as…

  • Nutrition myths – what to eat

    Nutrition myths – what to eat

    With so much conflicting information widely available on the internet, it’s easy to get bewildered as to what you should and shouldn’t eat. Here I take a look at some common nutrition myths that have been busted by science. Myth No 1. Eggs are unhealthy Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition and a versatile food…

  • Sugar sweet and dangerous

    Sugar sweet and dangerous

    Sugar is one of the most popular and ubiquitous substances in our diets today, both sweet and dangerous. At times its presence is obvious but sometimes, it’s not easy to discern or to necessarily taste. Nonetheless you’ve probably seen its effects in action. You may have noticed the behaviour of young children, especially the ones…

  • The great FAT debate

    The great FAT debate

    Are you puzzled by the great fat debate?  Should you avoid saturated fat? Ditch the butter? Eat polyunsaturated spreads?  Or forget about low-fat options and go for full fat? During the latter part of the 20th century, the humble saturated fat was vilified and shunned by nations worldwide as it became maligned as the cause…

  • Is organic food really healthier and worth the price?

    Is organic food really healthier and worth the price?

    Is Organic Food really healthier and worth the price? It’s a great question, especially when you consider that according to the Australian Organic Market Report 2019, our nation’s organic food industry was worth $2.6 billion in 2018 with Australia having the largest organic certified area of land globally. Despite the higher prices of organic foods…

  • Could Pyroluria be linked to your mood disorder?

    Could Pyroluria be linked to your mood disorder?

    Although first discovered back in the late 1950’s, pyroluria has become a bit of a hot topic over the last few years as more people are making a connection between specific nutrients and mood disorders. What is pyroluria? Pyroluria, also known as pyrolle disorder or mauve factor, is associated with a genetic, chemical imbalance related…

  • How healthy is your microbiome?

    How healthy is your microbiome?

    With about 70% of our immune system being housed in our gastrointestinal tract or gut, keeping our microbiome healthy should be a top priority for all of us. It’s home to trillions of beneficial bacterial cells which outnumber our human cells by up to 10 times. Research in recent years is also linking the balance…

  • 5 Food Steps to eat away mood disorders

    5 Food Steps to eat away mood disorders

    You’ve probably heard that old saying that you are what you eat but do you know that your mood is also affected by the food that you eat? This is just one of the things I’ve noticed particularly in my work as a women’s health nutritionist. The standard Western diet is packed full of processed,…

  • 5 nutritious must-haves

    5 nutritious must-haves

    I really hadn’t appreciated the implications of self-isolation until I had it thrust upon me when I returned from Auckland a few days ago.  Walking the dog, seeing friends or visiting the local shops are all out of bounds for me for 14 days. As a nutritionist I love food shopping and have always taken…

  • Fats for brain function!

    Fats for brain function!

    FATS for BRAIN FUNCTION! Do you know that more than 50% of your brain is made up of fat? That’s why you need to eat fats for brain function. Over the last 30 years you’ve probably heard message after message that fat is bad for you, but now more than ever you need to be…

  • Sugar, the Bitter-sweet Truth

    Sugar, the Bitter-sweet Truth

    Sugar, could you be addicted? Sugar, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, stevia, xylitol, dextrose, honey, agave, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, rapadura, cane juice…sugar has so many guises that it can be incredibly hard to avoid! But is sugar really necessary?  Or is all sugar bad for you?  Do you need to quit sugar completely to…

  • Golden Milk

    Golden Milk

    Golden Milk Golden Milk is a fantastic drink to help you get the super-healing powers of turmeric easily into your diet.  It’s also wonderfully warming on a Winter’s day. Turmeric contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds which may help lessen your risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, depression, cancer and arthritis whilst improving brain function and longevity. Wow! To…