Beauty Bliss Balls
Nutrition myths – what to eat
With so much conflicting information widely available on the internet, it’s easy to get bewildered as to what you should and shouldn’t eat. Here I take a look at some common nutrition myths that have been busted by science. Myth No 1. Eggs are unhealthy Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition and a versatile food…
Food – is what you eat making you sick?
Food allergies and intolerances are becoming increasingly more prevalent in Australia, with more than 20% of people in industrialised countries suffering from food allergies or intolerances. In some instances, the link between a food sensitivity and health issues is not always obvious but research is finding that the effects on health can be far-reaching and,…
Is organic food really healthier and worth the price?
Is Organic Food really healthier and worth the price? It’s a great question, especially when you consider that according to the Australian Organic Market Report 2019, our nation’s organic food industry was worth $2.6 billion in 2018 with Australia having the largest organic certified area of land globally. Despite the higher prices of organic foods…
Gluten-Free: health fad or healthy?
Is it a fad or is it a healthy way to eat? Or is it just another marketing ploy? One thing’s for sure, with 513 million results on google for “gluten-free” (GF) and multi-million dollars in annual sales of gluten-free products, it’s certainly popular and here to stay. What’s gluten? Gluten is a type of…
5 Food Steps to eat away mood disorders
You’ve probably heard that old saying that you are what you eat but do you know that your mood is also affected by the food that you eat? This is just one of the things I’ve noticed particularly in my work as a women’s health nutritionist. The standard Western diet is packed full of processed,…
Chocolate Beetroot Brownies
Who knew chocolate brownies could be so healthy?! “You need to eat lots more veggies!” You’ve probably heard that a lot recently. In fact, you might even be saying that to your family a lot too! Sometimes in vain! That’s certainly what I keep reminding my clients to do. During these challenging times, your veggies…
Spicy Butter Bean Dip
Supporting your immune system at this challenging time through food as medicine couldn’t be easier. This spicy butter bean dip contains the humble yet amazing herb, garlic which is known for its health-promoting attributes. Garlic is packed with strong anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, benefits which most of us could do with right now. Teamed with…
5 nutritious must-haves
I really hadn’t appreciated the implications of self-isolation until I had it thrust upon me when I returned from Auckland a few days ago. Walking the dog, seeing friends or visiting the local shops are all out of bounds for me for 14 days. As a nutritionist I love food shopping and have always taken…
Why your body deserves Organic foods
Are Organic Foods really better for you or just a pricey fad? It’s a great question, especially when you consider that it’s a billion-dollar industry here in Australia. Nutritionally, environmentally and economically, the foods we choose to eat today create consequences tomorrow. Perhaps you want to enjoy great tasting food, are seeking to remedy or prevent…
Brussels Sprouts & Walnut Salad
Brussels Sprouts & Walnut Salad If like me your memories of Brussles Sprouts means overcooked, smelly little things then you’re going to really appreciate how much better they taste raw. This is a fantastic way to get super Brussels Sprouts into your diet without the risk of overcooking them. These mini-cabbages are high in liver-supporting compounds…
Top Fruits and Veggies in Season
Top Fruits and Veggies With winter rapidly approaching in the southern hemisphere, now’s the time to start thinking about the top fruits and veggies that are abundant in this coming season. I reckon that buying local, seasonal fresh produce has got to be a better option for you, the farmer and the economy than imported non-seasonal produce.…
Food allergies versus Food Intolerances
I often get asked what is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance. All too often these terms are used interchangeably but really, only a few percent of the population experience true food allergies. A food allergy is an abnormal reaction by a person’s immune system against a normally harmless substance and…
Going gluten-free, a simple guide
Want to go gluten-free but don’t know where to start? These top-tips should help get you started. For a day, a week, a month or long-term, kicking the gluten habit will give your digestive system a well deserved break from this inflammation-causing substance. There’s heaps of choice out there – it’s just a matter of…